Fast Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates have been found to cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and are not considered to be a healthy component of anyone's diet. Meala offers strategies for effectively managing carbohydrate intake.
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eat smarter
Automatic nutrition tagging.
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A good cook is a good doctor
Eat Smart: How the Order of Your Meal Can Lower Blood Sugar
Have you ever thought about the order in which you eat your food? It turns out that eating your meal in a specific sequence can have a big impact on…
Walk Off Glucose Highs: Post-Meal Movement Made Simple
Introduction One simple, effective strategy to achieve better glucose control is to engage in light to moderate physical activity after meals. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of…
Pizza Perfect Blood Sugars?
The “Pizza Challenge” In September, we joined the German volunteering group Blickwinkel Diabetes for a community weekend by the Baltic Sea. Whether diagnosed for 2 weeks or 20 years –…

Potential applications and benefits!

Individuals with diabetes are required to closely monitor and regulate their blood sugar levels on a continual basis. The impact of each meal on blood sugar levels should be carefully considered, regardless of the specific food items consumed, including those containing proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Precisely estimating the carbohydrate content of a meal is particularly critical for individuals with type 1 diabetes, as it enables accurate calculation of the required insulin dosage.
Nutrition plays a crucial role, particularly for individuals who are physically active. Adequate and well-balanced nutrition is essential to provide the necessary energy required by muscles during exercise.
Food intolerances are becoming increasingly prevalent, with one in four individuals experiencing some form of intolerance. Symptoms can range from abdominal pain to depression and can be triggered by a wide range of foods such as lactose, glucose, nuts, molluscs, and fructose. meala is equipped to identify your specific intolerances and provide personalized meal recommendations, while also warning you about potential problematic ingredients. Additionally, Meala offers alternative options and can recommend nearby restaurants that cater to your dietary restrictions. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about meala.